The Last Requiem is lead by a High Council composed of three members in charge with the general organization of the guild and its representation. The High Council sets the rules of the community, mete out justice and coordinate the life of the guild.
The High Council alone is empowered with the representation of the guild in diplomatic matters. It also represents the interests of the community in front of the Alliance.
Every section within the guild, as organized by the High Council, is represented by an officer who takes care of the general coordination of his group and the representation of the members under his responsibility in front of the High Council and the Round Table.
The officers are chosen according to their experience and commitment to the life of the guild.
Six representatives are elected among the members of the guild to represent the PvP, PvE and roleplay facets.
These representatives sit at the parliamentary assembly where subjects interresting the communitarian life of the guild and the general coordination between the groups are debated.