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By joining The Last Requiem, you agree to abide by certain rules. These rules are considered essential to guarantee a pleasant cohabitation of our members and to ensure an efficient development. In case these few requirements seem too high or do not fit your profile, do not be worried sick. The balance of our group comes before individualities.





Respect the use of languages on our Discord channels. The Last Requiem main channels are in English. French, Spanish, Romanian channels are to be used in the corresponding language. 

Respect the destination of the channels and avoid unnecessary flood that would hide the important information. You are however welcome to flood the flood channels.

Read the information and notifications. Notifications are only used in case of important/general interest communications. Read them!





Be gentle with your fellow members. Talk, listen, hear them and do not close yourself. We all have lives and always can experience a bad day.

EMPATHY is the key: Empathy and goodwill.

Does the situation seem impossible to solve? Address your officers and council members.

We share a huge amount of time together -more than many irl friends do- so let us make this time high quality as well.





Events can be scheduled by the councils to fulfill specific objectives. In such case, all players are requisitioned during a limited period of time to accomplish the group tasks (terraforming, defensive actions, collection of resources etc.





Officers have been appointed to manage, dispatch and relay the general information to the groups. Their task is not easy. Listen to their requests and yours will be listened to in return.





Tools belong to the guild. These are put at your disposal and remain under your responsibility. Should you be willing to take a break or be unavailable for a certain time, please put the tools back in the toolboxes so that other workers from your corporation can use them.





During PvP operations, the group is lead in English. Orders have to be followed by the letter. Death, although painful, is part of PvP. Under any circumstances should a formation be broken to avoid death. Discipline is our strength. The battlefield has to be cleaned-up and prepared BEFORE the fight. Corpses can only be looted AFTER the combat is over.




Last but not least : Needless to say that we will not accept under any circumstances any form insults, degrading behavior, moral violence or discrimination based on political views, religious beliefs, origin or gender.



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